Sunday, September 29, 2013

You're Beautiful

       "You're Beautiful" is the hottest Korean drama in the end of the year 2009 till 2010. This drama is so famous that brings the whole starring artists are known by fans in other Southeast Asian countries. This drama also are remade in Japanese version in 2011 and recently in Taiwanese version on May 2013.
      The drama is about a young girl who lived in a church when she was little till grown up. Her dream is going to Rome to become a actual nun. Her twin brother who looks like her from appearance to voice dreams to become a famous singer therefore their mom will see him on TV and find for them. Her brother is successfully win the audition to join the famous music band "AN Jell", but he need to go to the U.S to correct a botched plastic surgery. That's why his manager begs his twin sister to disguise him to sign the contract and join the band while his absence. After she join the band for a few days, the leader of the band discovers her truth gender and force her to go because he doesn't like her since the first time they met and he always gives her hard time. However, she makes him change his decision with her efforts. She proves that she isn't join the band for bad reason or just for famous to the leader. He helps her hide her secret until the day her brother come back. In that time, while working and living together, they fall in love. The two other members of the band also like and care for her a lot. Especially the one who plays guitar. He knows about her secret even earlier than the leader but he keeps the secret with him and protects her in silence. I like this character a lot.
      Like i said in the previous blog, the reason I love the show so much because of the actress in the show. Park Shin Hye.
I love her smile a lot. 

Sunday, September 22, 2013

The Flower Boy Next Door

       "The flower boys next door" is the fourth drama in my favorite list. The drama just on aired earlier on February, 2013 in Korean cable channel. The drama has total 16 episodes. I kinda love those lovely puppy love story so I was very excited when I waited every Monday for the new episode come out online. Another reason that I love this drama a lot is the main actress in the drama, Park Shin Hye. She just looks so pure and cute. I like her since the previous drama ,which I will write about it later, she played in. 
       The drama is about a girl name Go Dok Mi who always stays in her apartment and refuses to interact with other people as much as she can. She works as a freelance copy editor. She only goes out when she really really need things that she doesn't have at her apartment. Everyday She opens her door once in the morning to pick up a carton of milk which has post-it paper with a little drawing stuck on it by her neighbor who in love with her secretly. She wakes up every morning and use a binocular to peek at the man, who she was fallen in love since the last time she went out and met, lives in the apartment across the street. One day she was caught by that man's cousin who come from Spain to visit. The cousin's name is Enrique Guem who is a computer genius and invented a successful video game in the age of 17. He has a very bright personality, very talkative, and very active. Since he discovered Dok Mi's acts, he starts to wonder why she avoids to interact with others. He comes to her apartment everyday to try to get her out of her home. Since she met him, her world is changing everyday. Enrique pulls her out of her shell to feel the world even it's bad and terrible sometimes but there's still many beautiful things happen everyday around us. 
      I know this drama isn't the best choice for many people and a lot of people don't like it. They said it's a really unrealistic drama but hey, most of the drama is unrealistic. Don't we have had enough too real things happen to us. Let's just flow with a little dreamy drama sometimes to refresh our soul.

Coffee Prince



The third of my favorite dramas is the "Coffee Prince" drama. It's a Korean drama produced in 2007. The drama is based on a novel written by Lee Sun Mi ( a Korean writer) with the same name. The drama has total 17 episodes with 60 minutes for each episode.

This drama is about a hard-working girl named Eun-chan who normally dresses up like a guy to get temp jobs easier. She needs to work a lot of different jobs to take care of her childish mother and her troublemaker younger sister. She delivers milk in the early morning and after that she teaches Taewondo class for kids since she's really good at it. In the afternoon, she works at a Chinese noodle restaurant as a delivery person. Because she dress up like a guy, almost everyone who see her usually misunderstands that she is guy. The main male character who named Han-gyul misunderstood her too at first and he offered her a job as his gay lover to prevent his blind-date arranged by his grandmother. After he get an ultimatum from his grandmother, Han-gyul takes over an old coffee shop. He hire only good-looking guys to work for him in order to attract female customers. Eun-chan who needs money to pay rent decides to hide her real gender to work at Han-gyul's coffee shop. After working together awhile, Han-gyul starts to question about his sexuality when he has feelings toward Eun-chan. I really love the quote he said to Eun-chan in the drama. He kissed her said " I like you whether you are a guy or an alien. None of that matters. It's just too hard to get over you so let's go through with this. Let's give it a shot." That was extremely romantic to me.

I love the drama too much that I watched over and over four times. This drama is the first starts of a bunch of tomboy girl drama which is a big hit in around Asia at that time. If you guys have time or just curious about it, you should give it a try. That's a really good drama.

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Hana Kimi

       The second of my ten favorite drama is "Hana Kimi", a Japanese drama which is also a live action of a famous manga in Japan. It also has a Taiwanese and Korean version of this manga, but the Japanese version is the best obviously. Japan is known as a country with a very awesome culture, and also very weird. That's why things are weirder in their manga since they can draw whatever they can imagine. Therefore, this drama has many weird things in it, but that's the reason make it awesome.
      This drama is about a high school girl who originally lived in the U.S. One time, she was rescued by a high jump competitor out of a group of bad guys. Unfortunately, he got hurt on his foot when they was running, so he couldn't continue his competition. He gave up his high jump dream. She felt very bad and decided going back to Japan to help him back to his dream. However, the school he attend in is an all-boy school, so she cut her long hair and disguise herself as a guy to attend this school. Luckily, after attending this school, she lives in a same dorm room with the athlete guy she's looking for. Sano, the name of the athlete guy, accidentally discovers out that Mizuki (the name of that girl) is a girl, but he does not tell anyone about her secret. This drama isn't only about love, it's about friendship and relationship between people.
     Although there is many weird things in the drama, I can see an appropriate circumstances in it. Everything is reasonable. Those weird things are just for entertain viewers. The main reason I love this drama is because the actor, Oguri Shun who portrayed the Sano character. He the best actor in my world. He's not the best-looking actor or a super talented actor, but with every character that he plays, he becomes that character. It likes that character just walked out the script and right there in front of you. 
(this is my best actor ever)